Standard Package

This package is specially designed for people who want to get fit and are highly motivated. They just need extra push and guidance with diet and exercise.

A personal coach will be assigned to you who will understand your current state and the goals you want to achieve and can guide you with your diet and workout routine.

The coach will be available via whats app and can have 1 call per day if needed

1 Month

3 Month

3000/- 8000/-

This package is specially designed for people who want extra personalized guidance based on their current physical condition.

A personal coach will be assigned to you who will understand your current state and the goals you want to achieve and can guide you with your diet and workout routine. He will spend extra time with you in the initial stage till you get comfortable with your diet and workout.

The coach will be available via whats app and can have 1 call per day if needed

1 Month

3 Month

5000/- 12000/-